Tuesday 13 March 2012

3D + Photoshop

Here is an upload of my Kenya scene with and added 3D Model inserted into the image, I found this task really exciting as it was something I haven't done before and I wish to continue to experiment with this further.

 Below is a 3D scene from our Wednesday lessons using Unity.

Perspective Drawing

Heres a drawing of a friend of mine working on photoshop in his room.

Robot Design

Here is my Robot design process for our flash midterms.
I still need to produce a final Photoshop image.
Test Robot 1
 Test Robot 2
 Test Robot 3
 Robot Body
 Final Robot

Charature Drawing

Here are some characters drawings I did, the images were a smaller version but I drew them up big, the main point of this was to test out drawing styles, I feel the images came out well as to be expected as they were a copy but with some changes, I feel that I am more confident with my drawing skills.
Skater Dude
 Duck Man


A few weeks ago Steve set us the task to draw some muscle proportion pictures as well as what muscles look like themselves under the skin, here are my drawings for them.

Tuesday 6 March 2012