Monday 30 April 2012

Space Marine

For todays lesson we had 2 hours to come up with our own space marine characture, here is my outcome.

Overall I am happy with the outcome and I plan to also work on this more.

Monday 23 April 2012

Trust me

For this next assignment we had to re-create a peice of Sam Nielson art using block colours, it had to be compleated in about an hour and this is my final outcome, the idea behind this task was to understand very basic concept art while understanding lighting and tones.

Monday 16 April 2012

Objective confirmed

For todays session we were given the task to create a horror styled easter rabbit , I started off doing mine in 3D but found it to hard so I decided to compleate it in photoshop, here is the "NOT" so finnished peice.

Turtle Guy

For out next project we were given 9 YouTube tutorials to watch and we had to recreate the image in the video using what we had learnt from those videos, I found this task rather difficult and a challenge and even though my piece didn't come out the same or even close enough to his in the video I am still happy with my outcome.

First Stage - Tones

Second Stage - Highlights and Shadows

Third Stage - Colour

Forth Stage - Touch up

Fifth Stage - Fishing Pole

Final Image

Sunday 15 April 2012

Tree Bark Incorporated Picture

Below you will see a character we had to design and come up with in our 2D lesson, the aim was to create a creature of sorts but we had to use a picture of a tree, I came up with this Character.

The Idea behind this character is that it was an armoured type creature from a prehistoric time. I didn't finish it to how I wanted to to be but nether the less I am a happy with its outcome.