Thursday 31 January 2013

Sci Fi cannon

Back again with another assignment  This time we had to create a Sci Fi Cannon, my assignment currently remains unfinished, but here's what I have so far anyway!

Again sorry for the lack of participation in this weeks assignment, there's been a few distractions lately but finally sorting things out! so should be back on top soon!

So I wanted to create a steam punky but futuristic looking turret.


 3D Model // Lighting and Cameras

Paint Over

Thursday 24 January 2013

Alien Landscape - Pt1

So for this weeks assignment we were given the task of creating a small alien landscape, I decided to base my alien plants on real life plants that look weird and freaky!


 W.I.P - Maya

Half Way Point - Just need to texture and Light!

Monday 14 January 2013

Old man Jenkins

This weeks assignment was to experiment with wrinkles, for my projected I wanted to create a old man, in the style of pixars Up.

Mood Board

 Sketches + WIP

Not quite finished piece

I didn't quite managed to get the model finished to a high standard, however I am happy with the direction that my model is going in, I'll finnish this for my self over the weekend.