Thursday 6 December 2012

Dragon Final Piece!

Bellow you will find several pictures of a Dragon created using sculptris! This was my first attempted at using the program, had a few problems during the creation of the dragon but overall I am happy with my outcome!

I some what wish to paint over this in the future!

Thursday 29 November 2012

Monday 26 November 2012

Santa Claus - The Christmas Card - Mood Board / Sketchs

So for this weeks project we have to create a Christmas card which features Santa Claus on it.

I'm going for a "Horror" Themed Christmas


Thursday 15 November 2012

Half way point - Plane Crash

So due to being ill with the 'Winter Bug' this week I have unable to finish my work on time, here is what I managed to get completed so far and I plan on finishing this over the weekend.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Plane Crash - W.I.P

So here is what I am currently working on for my plane project, I've fallen behind on time due to being ill for the past couple of days so I Wont be able to complete it on time but I plan to finnish it as soon as I am well enough.

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Monster Sketches! Rawr!

Edit: Final (Slightly Finished) piece.

Here are my sketches for this week monster project, I wanted to go with a sort of screaming / teethy monster.

Monday 29 October 2012

Halloween Mood Board

Mood board of the week, this weeks theme is scary Halloween monster of our choice.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Characteristic Tree

 Heres a screen shot of my 3D Tree I am modelling for this weeks assignment, I am currently in the texturing stage and just need to add some finishing touches to the lighting.

The idea behind it was for it to be a 3D Stand of a tree, they do this in some computer games where the player can unlock "Special" items by completing challenges in a game and they can then view a 3D model of say a character in the game which ill be on a 3D rotating platform.

Final Renders

This is a final render of my peice untextured, this is because my 3DsMax texturing system doesn't seam to work on my computer correctly,





Tuesday 23 October 2012

3D Tree Sketch

Below is an drawing a tree I want to model in 3D. The theme of which is going to be spookey.


Monday 22 October 2012

Weekly Assignment - Tree R' Us

Mood board for the week.

Edit: Jumped the gun a bit before reading the brief and didn't realise that Character tree's were not allowed so here a new mood board.

Monday 15 October 2012

Surreal Week - Mood Board

This week we were given the task to create a surreal  themed art piece.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Robot Peice

Here is my final render of my 3D Robot, I tried to go for a futurist feel with this project. The one thing I didn't manage to do was to create a glowing gun barrel, I also wanted to have a lazer blast firing out of his gun.

Edit: Only just noticed its other hand is missing. To be fixed

Tuesday 9 October 2012

A couple of Robot Sketches

Here are a couple of robot sketches for this weeks project, after several hours of drawing I decided to create my robot in 3D.

Thursday 4 October 2012

It came from the sewers!

Here is my final render of my tentacle monster, I decided to do it in 3D to test my skills, at first I wanted to create a bone structure for my creature so I could wrapped the tentacle around the building, this would also give me the ability to animate it later, but due to the difficulty of trying to get the envelopes to work properly around the tentacle was to challenging as I could quite not remember how to do it, so in the the end I settled with positioning it my self.

I wanted to give the model a graphic novel feel, while minimising on the soundings area, I had some, the only thing I didn't manage to add was bits of broken concreate floor and walls, I will add these at a later date for my own benifit.

Overall I am happy with the outcome. Pre-Sketches are soon to come once I find a means of uploading them.

Monday 1 October 2012

Tentacle Monster - Mood Board

Here is the first part of our weeks assignment to create a mood board for our "tentacle monster" - For my monster I want to produce a creature that is bigger than most monsters which is attacking a city / single building, the aim is to produce a tentacle monster that's physical appearance is somewhat hidden and keeps the viewer mystified about the monsters actual appearence.

Friday 28 September 2012

Year 2 Skills Audit Assignment

Creating a low poly gun

Here is my finished low poly gun we had to recreate from a reference image, the outcome of the gun in 3D came out fine but after I rendered it one of my side panel pieces disappeared and would not appear in the rendered video.

UV Mapping and Texturing

For the texturing we had to texture a Panasaur using a supplied UV map. I had a few problems at first because of my 3DS Max, it would not map the texture correctly, eventually I had to use another version of the document which allowed me to Finnish my work.

We also had to texture an 3D model of a house but due to the problems I received with my 3DS Max and texturing I couldn't complete this task.


Below are two pictures of two different scenes we had to light, the first one we had to light with a realistic sunny day while the second scene we had to do a 3 point lighting using Key light, Fill light and Back light